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Worship Squad Leaders 

Alderman Cogan’s Church of England Primary Academy actively promotes Christian values. Our Christian values-based approach encourages commitment, effort and high standards in all that we do and enables adults and children to discuss, explore and reflect upon those values we live by, which make us thoughtful, caring and responsible citizens.

We explore different Christian values month by month during collective worship, in lessons and during everyday school life. Our Worship Squad Leaders help to lead and plan collective worship each week to reflect further upon each value.  They leaders use the Christian Values for Schools website to help learn and then teach about how each value is distinctively Christian with the aim of helping all of the children in school develop a better understanding of each value’s meaning and how it will impact their lives.

The Worship Squad Leaders -which includes children from year 1 to year 6 – select these fundamental Christian values for us to reflect upon as a school during the academic year. The value for each month, makes links to the Christian calendar, school events and celebrations, their own learning and to experiences they will have both inside and outside school.












* September – Creation/ Koinonia 

* October – Thankfulness 

*November – Humility 

*December – Reverence and Service 

*January – Friendship and Trust

*February – Wisdom

*March – Compassion 

*April – Forgiveness and Justice   

*May – Perseverance

*June – Hope 

*July – Peace


All our Worship Squad Leaders can be recognised by their Worship Squad Leader badges and Lanyards