The school has a Local Governing Body (LGB) which is responsible for making decisions about the running of the school. Its power is delegated from the board of Trustees of Ebor Academy Trust. For more information regarding the trustees, please see the Ebor academy Trust website.
The LGB consists of members of the local community interested in education and no formal qualifications are required as full training is given. The Headteacher is automatically a member of the LGB because of their position, but cannot be the chair. Parents are welcome to join the LGB and when there are vacancies, we particularly welcome applicants with skills in managing budgets, legal work, human resources, running a business or any work connected with young people.
More information about our governing body can be found below:
For further information about the Local Governing Committee please click here.
Being a School Governor (Ebor Academy Trust Link)
Governor Meeting Attendance 2021 – 2022
Governor Meeting Attendance 2022 – 2023
If you require any further information please contact the school on 01482 376203 and ask to speak to Mrs Samantha Oliver our Head of School. Alternatively, please contact Mrs Wendy Harrington, Data Protection Officer, at Ebor Academy Trust on 01904 806806.
Meet the Governors
- Mrs Victoria Shaw- Executive Headteacher
- Mrs Samantha Oliver – Head of School
- Mrs V. Wilkes- Chair of Governors
- Mr J. Moore- Vice Chair
- Rev. R. Phillips – Governor Ex-Officio
- Mr D. Milns – Foundation Governor