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At its best, education should give all children the opportunity to flourish as happy and well-rounded individuals. RE at Alderman Cogan plays a particularly important role in this as it encourages children to develop their awareness and understanding of the world, cultures and beliefs around them. It is important that all children can have balanced and well-informed discussions about the world and beliefs around them. RE teaches children of acceptance and tolerance of all others. This is strongly underpinned by the school’s ethos of “everyone is wonderfully made”. RE teaching also allows the school to further embed our core values of peace, friendship and trust as the children develop their compassion and appreciation of others. 

We follow the Diocese of York RE Syllabus and also use the “Understanding Christianity” resource to guide our teaching. The children will learn about different aspects of Christianity in depth but this is balanced with a study of other faiths such as Judaism in Key Stage One and Sikhism and Islam during Key Stage Two. Throughout the year, there will be several “Big RE Days” which will allow the children to dig deeper into the meaning of a particular aspect of RE, for example, Pentecost.

Please see below for further information on Religious Education in school.

See more information about RE at Alderman Cogan’s school at: RE Curriculum page 


For more information about the Diocese of York and it’s impact upon our RE teaching, please click here.