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Ebor Academy Trust Logo

Our school and everyone in it belongs to God.

We are all ‘wonderfully made’ by God and loved by Him just as we are.

Jesus Christ stands at the centre of all that we do.

We will work together to follow His example and seek to be the best people we can be.

As a Church school, we have a distinctive character where Christian values are promoted in all aspects of school life.  We encourage all members of the school community to promote a Christian ethos where care and respect are shown to everyone.

Our Cogan family ensures that all members of the school community feel safe, valued and cared for.

We appreciate and value the uniqueness of each individual and nurture these personal and individual gifts.

Our special Christian identity is demonstrated in the values we share and in the relationships that all members of the school community have with one another. We are inclusive and welcome others regardless of differences; all individuals are respected, supported and nurtured.  We give to others the tolerance, understanding and forgiveness that we would want for ourselves.

As a result of the trusting relationships between all members of the school community and embedded Christian Values in every aspect of our practice, pupils at Alderman Cogan’s Church of England Academy grow into respectful, well behaved and compassionate young people who have an understanding and respect for diversity and difference together with a motivation to help others in their community and beyond.

“The vision is deeply Christian, with the 

promise by Jesus of ‘life in all its fullness’ 

at its heart.”

Deeply Christian, Serving Common God


Click the link below to watch a few of our children talking about what the School Ethos & Vision means to them:

To find more about:

Who we are, Why we are here, How then do we live. Please click here.

Please click here to see Ebor Academy Trusts’ Vision & Values