Our school and everyone in it belongs to God.
We are all ‘wonderfully made’ by God and loved by Him just as we are.
Jesus Christ stands at the centre of all that we do.
We will work together to follow His example and seek to be the best people we can be.
As a Church school, we have a distinctive character where Christian values are promoted in all aspects of school life. We encourage all members of the school community to promote a Christian ethos where care and respect are shown to everyone.
School Behaviour Expectations
At Alderman Cogan’s C of E Primary School, we have the highest expectations of behaviour for all our children. Our behaviour systems and high expectations run from our nursery right the way through our school to ensure there is a high-level, consistent approach. It is simple and easy to follow and has been built with all our children in mind.
Positive Behaviour Approach Policy
Positive Behaviour Approach Expectations
General Information
Alderman Cogan’s C of E Primary School is part of Ebor Academy Trust and complies with the Trust’s Statutory Behaviour policy.
Ebor Academy Trust Behaviour Policy
The policy also details the procedure for dealing with persistent or serious poor behaviour and the possible consequences, which may ultimately include exclusion from school.
Positive Handling
Alderman Cogan’s C of E Primary School specific Positive Handling Policy draft is linked.
Ebor Academy Trust Exclusion Policy