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Alderman Cogan’s Academy – Remote Teaching and Learning

‘Remote Teaching and Learning’ refers to the provision of online learning activities, teacher support, assessment and feedback from teachers to pupils in the event that normal lessons are unable to be delivered ‘face-to-face’ as normal. 

Dear all Parents and Carers

As you all know, during these unprecedented times technology has been a fantastic resource in allowing us to continue to deliver high quality teaching and learning remotely. We therefore, as a school, are endeavouring to ensure this high quality education will continue through this difficult time.

Where the Government guidance is different this time from March is around the importance of home learning. The provision is no longer a childcare facility with some home learning opportunities, but much more about maintaining a high level of education. This means there is a clear expectation on parents, school and its pupils to engage with home learning – almost like the pupil is still at school. This means school and home need to grow clear strategies to tackle this and work together closely. It is now an expectation that children complete all of the learning provided via the online learning platforms.

In order to do this, a number of online platforms will be used to facilitate your children’s ongoing learning, which will continue to be based on the national curriculum and our curriculum design. The platform used may vary depending on the year group of your child as outlined in the ‘Remote Teaching and Learning Policy’ (EYFS – Tapestry, Year 1 and 2 – Class Dojo and Year 3 to 6 – Google Classroom).

Remote teaching and learning does however rely on access to the internet and a device capable of facilitating the online platforms being used. If you do not have access to the internet or any devices, please contact school and we will work closely with you to support your child’s needs and learning. 

Please see the Remote Teaching and Learning Policy and our Remote Education Provision: Information for parents sheet for more information .However, please be aware that it is an expectation that all home learning must be completed and handed in.

If you have any problems, please make contact with school.

Thank you for your continual and unwavering support.


Home Learning

Please click on your child’s year group below to see the weekly work that has been sent home.

Nursery Foundation Stage Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

The DfE have updated guidance on supporting children to learn at home which includes links to a variety of learning apps for parents to use with their children as well as guidance and advice for parents at home with their children during the current situation. Please see the link below for further information.



Here are some useful websites for home learning:

BBC Bitesize

BBC live learning

Childline calm zone –

Phonics play (free access during closures – username: march20, password: home)

Oxford owl – free online library

Teach your monster to read (see individual log ins for KS1)

Lexia (individual log ins for some children in Y1 – Y6)

Spelling Shed (see KS1 and KS2 pupil log ins)


Pobble 365 (writing prompts and activities):

Maths Shed (maths games)

Duolingo – a brilliant free language learning resource

Time Tables Rock Stars –

Numbots –

Epic Reading –

Keeping active!

Go Noodle

Just Dance

Joe Wicks

BBC Supermovers

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Hull Active Schools Isolation Icons